But wait, caprese requires cheese.
Well yes, typically caprese includes slices of mild (and utterly delicious) fresh mozzarella along with juicy, sweet tomato and fragrant basil.
But wait, caprese requires cheese.
Well yes, typically caprese includes slices of mild (and utterly delicious) fresh mozzarella along with juicy, sweet tomato and fragrant basil.
So I kind of posted a very similar recipe last spring.
But I do have to say this one is superior.
Grilling season is in full swing over here.
Summer finally started to kick in and I think this time it’s actually planning on sticking around, at least for a couple weeks.
Please don’t hate me.
If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, I apologize for featuring a seafood recipe today.
Okay, I’m more than ready for summer.
Being all cozy under a thick blanket with a steaming mug of peppermint tea in hand is nice and everything, but the whole constantly shivering and scurrying from insufficiently heated building to car that takes eons to warm up back to poorly heated building thing is really getting old.
So I used to work at a quaint Mediterranean cafe and the owner whipped up the best hummus known to mankind.
It really was the best.
Recently, I’ve been seeing a lot of recipes for Chocolate Avocado Pudding.
And noticing all the recipe reviews saying how “amaaazzzing” this stuff is.