Yeah there’s a trusty baked tater under there, I promise.
Slathered with creamy dreamy hummus…
Yeah there’s a trusty baked tater under there, I promise.
Slathered with creamy dreamy hummus…
Ha ha whew.
As I was uploading the pics for this recipe onto my computer, I was like “dang those raspberries sure look plump and pretty!”
Here’s a freshie for yuh!
This salad screams summer like kiddos running through sprinklers and adults (aka me) desperately flagging down the ice cream man, hoping he (or she or they because it’s 2020 people) accepts Venmo as a source of payment…
Hellooo here’s a simple little picnic perfect recipe for when you want to munch on something light and healthy, plus flavorful of course.
I know there are a lot of beet haters out there but I’ll continue to adore the veggie, despite it’s staining properties, which paired with my mess-making skills often results in a murderesque kitchen scene.
Savory breakfast alert.
By now you should be well aware that I’m a sweet breakfast person.
Fried rice makes an appearance quite often in my kitchen.
It’s easy, quick, cheap, and you can throw a wide assortment of veggies in there, along with protein(s) of your choice. Read More
I’ve been consuming muchos avocados as of late.
I mean they’re so creamy and filling, not to mention full of healthy fats!
I’ve been seeing chickpea noodle soup recipes all over IG and Pinterest anddd the Interwebs.
So clearly I had to see what all the hubbub was about and whip up my very own version!
I don’t know what it is, but it seems like a lot of people have something against egg salad.
Why though? Is it the texture, the flavor, the mere idea of mixing chicken eggs with lots of jiggly mayo and then plopping the mush on gummy white bread?
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