Oo ooo guess what!
I actually made real deal homemade sushi rolls the other day.
Tahini isn’t meant for just hummus…
Honestly I’ve tried the stuff solo on several different occasions but don’t care for it.
Try saying that three times fast.
This breakfast bowl’s name is obviously quite a mouthful.
Oh lookie it’s a savory recipe!
Yes I know it must seem like I only consume sweet things, but the real issue is I only consume sweet things for breakfast.
I promise this recipe isn’t gross.
Okay, maybe that’s not the best way to start off a post, but I just had to say it.
Growing up, I always ordered a creamy mango lassi with dinner at my fam’s favorite Indian spot.
Until I realized just how much added refined sugar (not just sugar from the mangoes, mind you) can potentially be packed into one of those decadent fruity glasses.
Hooray! Just another excuse to consume peanut butter in a somewhat healthy manner.
And at the very beginning of the day.