This millennial is going to go all Gen Z on you and exclaim “I’m obsesssssed” with purple sweet potatoes.
They’re just so dang beautiful.
This millennial is going to go all Gen Z on you and exclaim “I’m obsesssssed” with purple sweet potatoes.
They’re just so dang beautiful.
Just to be perfectly clear, Raisin Bran was not my first cereal choice as a child…
That would be Frosted Flakes because as everyone knows, “They’re Gr-r-reat!”
So clearly I’m into drinkable chocolate…
We’ve got chocolate milk, hot chocolate, smoothies and thicc shakes galore!
Now I know this isn’t really winter comfort food material.
But it is healthy resolutions + tasty stuff!
Ha ha whew.
As I was uploading the pics for this recipe onto my computer, I was like “dang those raspberries sure look plump and pretty!”
Here’s a freshie for yuh!
This salad screams summer like kiddos running through sprinklers and adults (aka me) desperately flagging down the ice cream man, hoping he (or she or they because it’s 2020 people) accepts Venmo as a source of payment…
Shake it shake shake it.
I was craving a Cinnamon Tahini Date Shake the other day, so I purchased a big ole jar of tahini when really I only needed a couple tablespoons.