Whole Wheat Peanut Butter & Banana Zucchini Muffins

Whole Wheat Peanut Butter & Banana Zucchini Muffins | Living Healthy in Seattle

Decisions can be very difficult to make sometimes.

Like should I lay out by the pool and turn a nice shade of crispy brown?

Or should I attempt to exercise in my 96 degree apartment and drip sweat all over my lovely living room carpet?

Okay, the more appealing choice is pretty obvious, but you get what I’m saying.

A truly difficult decision might involve choosing between banana muffins and zucchini muffins.

Especially if you have a couple very speckled bananas laying around.

But… you’ve been craving zucchini muffins ever since summer hit.

And by “you” I mean me, of course.


Why not combine the two?

Shove sweet mashed bananas and grated fresh zucchini into a single batch of muffins!

Yes that’s the perfect solution.

Since we’re going all crazy over here, might as well dump some creamy peanut butter into the mix.

And since healthy is usually the goal (usually) let’s make these muffins whole wheat.

This situation is getting better and better.

After baking, generously drizzle some more peanut butter on your warm muffin(s) before devouring in 2 extremely large bites.

Just have a glass of milk handy so you don’t choke in all of the carby peanut buttery excitement.

Trust me, it happens.

P.S. Make sure your bananas are very ripe. Speckles and freckles are what we want!

P.P.S. You could probably definitely swap in almond butter for peanut butter, although peanut butter is far superior in my humble opinion.

P.P.P.S. The original recipe is from Tieghan over at Half Baked Harvest. Her muffins are stuffed with chocolate chips and Nutella, but I am trying to be somewhat healthy over here so chocolate did not make the cut this time. Although… Nutella. I also decided to add some ground cinnamon to my muffins, to make up for the absence of Nutella you know. Ha. But really, cinnamon adds a titch of warmth and goes well with both bananas and zucchini.

P.P.P.P.S. I know, my photo is very… brown. But I really ran out of patience and just wanted to stuff all of the muffins in my face before pools of drool collected on the kitchen counter.



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