I got my peaches out in Georgia…
And made a smoothie bowl, obviously.
Sooo I was going to call this recipe “Vegan Spinach Artichoke Lasagna for One”…
Then I decided not to expose myself like that ha ha.
Ummm I can’t recall the last time I made a smoothie bowl!
Probably because it’s still chilly out and my lazy self is usually more inclined to just make a smoothie.
Favorite not-quite-spring salad alert!!
I’ve been whipping up this guy on the regular because it’s a. easy b. tasty. c. healthy and d. an all around, well-rounded meal. (Redundancy much.)
This millennial is going to go all Gen Z on you and exclaim “I’m obsesssssed” with purple sweet potatoes.
They’re just so dang beautiful.
Just to be perfectly clear, Raisin Bran was not my first cereal choice as a child…
That would be Frosted Flakes because as everyone knows, “They’re Gr-r-reat!”
Everyone and their mother has been whipping up homemade Crunchwraps (yep the Taco Bell variety) so I decided well why not?
I’ve actually never had Taco Bell before but the Crunchwrap is quite intriguing.