Sunshine Breakfast Bowl


Sunshine Breakfast Bowl | Living Healthy in Seattle

A truly amazing phenomenon occurred this morning.

I awoke to find sunshine streaming through my windows!

It’s a miracle!!

Spring is almost here!!!

Well, that’s not completely true.

I could still clearly see my breath as I hurried to my frosted over car.

But hey, beggars certainly cannot be choosers.

Sun is sun, whether the actual temperature reflects its presence or not.

I might just sit outside and attempt to soak up some rays.

Donning a puffy jacket, of course.

I’m not that crazy.

(Don’t tell anyone, but I did try to lay out in my swimsuit a couple weeks ago… that lasted a good 5 minutes. The goose bump situation was slightly out of control.)

Since the sun decided to show up, I was actually able to take a photo or two of my breakfast.

Now, this photo leaves much to be desired, but better than nothing, right?

Side note: I think it’s about time to acquire a new phone… my 3.15-year-old iPhone 5 has been pooping out on me. Fresh phone = better camera!

Now I’m sure you can guess why I’m calling this “recipe” Sunshine Breakfast Bowl.

  1. Because the sun made a much welcomed appearance.
  2. And because it kind of resembles a sun? Or maybe a sunflower.

Either way, it tastes pretty darn good and it’s a bowl full of hippie health.

I say “hippie” since some creamy, tangy quark is involved, along with crisp apple slices, crunchy granola, nutritious chia seeds, ground cinnamon, a plump medjool date, and sweet honey.

Breakfast perfection!

P.S. Quark is a European-style fresh cheese. Think cheesier, more flavorful sour cream. Or something like that. If you are still thinking “what the heck?!” just use low-fat plain Greek yogurt instead.

P.P.S. If you’re all about the gluten-free vibes make sure your granola is actually gluten-free.

P.P.P.S. I suppose this bowl could be vegan if you use your favorite dairy-free yogurt and turn that sweet honey drizzle into a maple drizzle or even an agave drizzle.



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