Well it’s finally really summer!
Which means berries, berries, and more berries.
Another sweeeet sandwich coming your way.
Because sugar is the way to my heart, and my heart (plus my taste buds and belly) especially love chocolate for breakfast.
Even though summer is nearly here, it’s still a bit chilly aka goose bumpy aka nippy at times.
Which means I want something a little more cozy than crisp salads and lighter grilled meals.
Summery eats coming right at yuhh!
This salad is lettuce free, with a subtly spicy option.
Yep, I like my smoothies ultra thick and especially creamy.
When my smoothie can be mistaken for a milkshake, I’m a happy camper.
Easy, healthy snacking is the name of the game.
It’s more than tempting to grab a handful (or entire family-sized bag) of tasty yet greasy chips or chow down on borderline stale packaged cookies when hunger strikes and you begin to enter hanger territory.
Juicy, sweet strawberries are starting to make a long-awaited appearance and I couldn’t be happier.
Well that’s actually a lie…
Let me start off by saying that mushy lentils are superior to firm salad type lentils.